Sep 13, 2012

Being Bold - Making Friends

I'm a Momma now - its quite the life change to say the least! One of the changes in my life now is the circle of people I am able to relate with and meet because I'm a Mom.

In Japan there seems to be a large number of playgroups and similar classes, etc. for Moms and kids to meet and play. I've been excited to get into some of these groups and make friends. Not only am I looking to truly make some deep friendships, but I'm excited to share about God's love with as many Moms and kiddos as I can!

However, it has been personally challenging to get into these groups. Obviously the first challenge is that everything is all in Japanese. While Seth and I are "conversationally fluent" in Japanese, there is still SO much we have yet to learn. Now that we are parents, there is this whole realm of the language that I've never heard or needed to use before. Of course there is also the challenge of walking into a room where you don't know anyone and trying to make friends!

So I'm trying to be bold in finding classes and playgroups to go to and meet as many people as I can. (By the way, "playgroups" for 3 month old babies are pretty adorable. It's more like "lay around" groups!)

Here is Asher at his very first group we went to. I made a few good connections with girls at this one, and am trying to keep in touch.

Also, in a total blessing from God, our neighbors on both the left and right are new parents! One family has a 5 month old, and i recently went over there with a gift for them and we really hit it off! I'm hoping we can hang out often. The other family is still pregnant, and I'm hoping I can help them somehow when the baby comes!

My other ideas for making friends and meeting people include starting a playgroup at our house (maybe after Asher is a bit bigger) and also joining classes like swimming classes!

Wouldn't you want to be his friend?!

Please be praying that I can be BOLD for Christ in sharing about him with my new friends. Also that I can make good friends for Asher's sake as well.

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