Sep 21, 2011

Arriving in Osaka

We are so excited to be settled into our new home in Osaka. Here are a few pictures...more to come later!

We drove to Osaka (3 hour drive from Nagoya). It was our first road trip in Japan!

After arriving in the city, it was awesome driving on the elevated expressway, because you drive through all these huge buildings. I kept thinking... whoa, this is our new city!

This is our road, and we live in the big building. Its really nice, I love it.

Here is the view from our balcony (where I hang out our laundry)

As I was opening boxes, I found a message I had written to myself while packing 10 weeks earlier. 
It's true! We are finally in Osaka, after lots of dreaming, planning, and prep. Praise God!

We have spent the first 3 weeks furnishing our apartment - they come completely bare in Japan. We had to buy everything from lighting fixtures, air conditioning units, refrigerator, gas stove, couch, table/chairs, etc! Then 2 weeks later all our boxes came when our teammates arrived in Osaka, so we got everything organized and put together. (which means i should take pictures soon and share them!)

Now we are full steam ahead toward launching the church this fall! There is the potential for us to throw a big event where we could invite hundreds, maybe thousands of people to church, and then have the church begin after that. So needless to say we are working on the details of this possible event, and also all the prep for the church itself (venue search, equipment purchasing, etc.). These are VERY exciting times! Please remember Osaka in your prayers. God is in control and we need him to lead us in each step right now.

1 comment:

  1. That note on your box is so you-(Megan)! It is very exciting to see you guys start this new chapter. I love you! I know you are doing great things for the Kingdom!
