Sep 16, 2011

Goodbyes and good times in Nagoya

Several awesome times were had in the weeks we lived in Nagoya - after returning from America, but before moving to Osaka. First off, we want to say a HUGE thank you to our incredible teammates the Henkes, for their hospitality. They allowed us to live with them for over 4 weeks combined (before and after America). They are awesome friends and we thank God for them.
Baby Shower

We had a baby shower for my good friend and teammate Stephanie. It was SO much fun!! There were around 21 women who came to celebrate, and we crammed in a cute little apartment and partyed in style. Japanese people don't do baby showers, so it was a fun new experience for many of our friends. I think we really encouraged and blessed Stephanie as well.

During the shower, my teammate Caitlin shared about God's love for children, and read Psalm 139, then our Japanese friend read it in Japanese. We had a time of prayer for Stephanie, the Baby, and also for 2 other pregnant women who were at the shower. I think this time was powerful for our Japanese friends, particularly the moms. I saw many tears and heard lots of sniffles.

Women's Ministry Event
We had a special event for the Christian women at MSCC. It was a ladies brunch, with a special guest speaker - a Japanese woman who's husband is a pastor of a church in Nagoya. She is a strong believer, and shared about her faith, practical ideas for living for Christ everyday, and how to share your faith with others. It was a really fun morning, and I know that the women from our church benefited! They were already asking when the next event will be!

Eating our yummy brunch...makes me hungry thinking about it.

Group shot at the Ladies Brunch

Taking it all in
   A few days before moving to Osaka, Seth and I had a date one afternoon at the top of Nagoya Station - it was on the 50 something-th floor. We had coffee and cake, and a great time thinking of all that God has done for us, reflecting on the last year and 7 months of life in Japan, and thinking about the new journey we were about to embark on by moving to Osaka.

View from the restaurant 50 some stories up

Nagoya is humongous - and God is moving there!
Saying Goodbye
Our last week in Nagoya was busy meeting up with friends to hang out one last time, and getting things ready for the big move. We also had a street-live with the MSCC band, and I sang it that for the last time with the Nagoya crew! (tear) 

Also, our last Sunday at church in Nagoya, Mike shared once again to the church about the plans for a second church to start in Osaka, and there was a time of prayer for the Osaka team. I definitely shed some tears - its been emotional to leave everyone we know in Nagoya and start over. But at the same time I'm so excited, knowing God is moving and helping us start a new church for even more people to hear about Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new header photo! I am excited to read all about your life in Osaka and to see how the Holy Spirit works through you and Seth to bring Jesus there!
