Jan 2, 2010

We made it!

All our bags. The picture doesn't quite capture the size of all ten!

I am writing from our new home in Japan! We are happy to say that everything went very well with our flights and baggage, etc. We made it to our apartment in Okazaki last night around 8:30pm. Our teammates prepared our apartment for us, which was so wonderful. Today we spent time with teammates Jared and Stephanie who live in the building next door to us and attend language school as well. They fixed us lunch and helped us make a list of things to buy for our new home. We'll get photos up as soon as things are put together! It's such a nice apartment, we feel really blessed.

Cereal for breakfast! Jared and Stephanie bought us some groceries ahead of time.

We also went to the grocery store today, and Stephanie helped us pick out some basic groceries. It was a wild experience to be in the grocery store and not be able to read most anything! It was great to have someone show us the ropes. We ate dinner at a restaurant down the street. I ordered a spaghetti type dish, and it had egg cooked with it! It was very delicious. Now we are going to bed, definitely jet lagged. Tomorrow we will shop for our new home with our teammates Jay and Caitlin.
Out to eat for dinner with Brigette, and Jared & Stephanie

With our groceries from our shopping trip

Thank you for all your encouraging notes and prayers!


  1. Yay!! Glad the trip went smoothly. Can't wait to hear about all of your adventures!

  2. Hope all is going well . praying daily for the church in Japan. Can't wait to hear more of how God is using yall in Japan.
