Dec 29, 2009

Back to the Future

The day after tomorrow we will travel back to the future--that is 15 time zones into the future, to Japan. Tonight we sit in Alan and Mary Batts' (Megan's mom and stepdad) living room enjoying a few last hours of family time. Tomorrow they are driving us to Chicago. After eating a final dinner together and saying a hard good-bye we will spend the night in a Chicago hotel. Then early Thursday morning we will shuttle to the airport and depart (us and our 6 checked bags and 4 carry-ons!). We fly out at 10AM Dec 31, 2009. 17 hours later we will land in Japan, at 6PM Jan 1, 2010 (3AM CST), if the Lord wills. Our teammates will pick us up in Nagoya and help us find our new apartment in Okazaki. When we awake the next morning, I have no idea what we will do. The mystery brings emotions of both anxiety and thrill. Please be praying for us and more importantly for the KIngdom to come in Japan. Sayonara!

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