Nov 3, 2009

Mustard Seed Christian Church

Our team in Japan has been working to establish their first church plant in Nagoya. This past month, they secured a location for the church to meet! It is in a sport's bar called "Strikers". There is already equipment for sound, lights, and a projector which helps save money. The space is suitable for about 40 people. We have hopes to outgrow it soon! The location is in a dense and very urban section of Nagoya, and we hope God brings many there to hear the Gospel for the first time.

Our teammate Jay Greer in front of church location

On Dec 20th the team will hold a special Christmas service at the location. The church will then begin meeting regularly starting January 1oth! This is such an exciting time as many people in Japan will soon be able to be a part of the body of Christ for the first time. Please pray for many people to be invited and attend the church!

This is the logo for Mustard Seed Christian Church

Seth and I are keeping busy fundraising. We have less than 2 weeks here in Wichita before we head back to Illinois for the National Missionary Convention. We have hope that our support will come in for us to leave by the end of the year. We strongly desire to be at the launch of the church on January 10th!


  1. I strongly desire that you're here by the 10th too!

  2. that is sooo cool! I like that it's in a sports bar. maybe someday I'll be able to visit.
