Nov 15, 2009

Last Hurrah in Wichita!

We've had an awesome week of sharing meals with friends and supporters. There's been some great family time (We've been addicted to watching the tv show "House" with Seth's parents!) , and opportunities to talk about MSGF in Japan.

This past weekend was "Missions Emphasis Weekend" at Seth's homechurch. We were excited to take part in all the activities.

Saturday, Megan shared about women's issues in Japan at the Ladies Afternoon Tea and we led worship for a dinner banquet/prayer time.

Sunday we taught a class on the Status of the Global church, and the church had a time of prayer to send us out. It's an exciting time! We had a blast sharing about Japan and were so encouraged by everyone. We'll miss Countryside Christian Church!

This week we're heading back to Illinois for the National Missionary Convention. Still making plans to leave by the end of the year!

We also had some prayer cards made this week - if you would like one, let us know!

Picture from our "prayer card photo shoot"

p.s. We are at 90% of our monthly needs, and 43% of our start-up cost! Woo-hoo!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see you all again! PS: I love House! and your blog has become quite trendy.
