Jun 8, 2011

10 Photos of Life Recently

Apologies for no new posts lately!  Life has been all about two things lately: Study and Ministry. We have been busy with intense language study - but we can see the finish line of June 24!! Otherwise, great things have been happening at church, we've had several street-live events playing on the streets of Nagoya and inviting people to church. We've seen lots of new people at church as well. Here are some pics:

Some of Seth's classmates came to visit our church. It was really fun!

Singing one of our band's "Street-live" performances - when we play outside of busy train stations and pass out invites to church. This has proven a great way to help people get the feel for our church and spark interest because they realize it's different then they imagined church to be like.
With a good friend chatting at a cafe

Celebrating Seth's 24th B-day with a Red-Velvet Cake!

Enjoying presents from family in America

Our teammates and friends the Greers welcomed their second son into the world! 
(Technically that was April 30, but we met him a few days later!)

A Photo of the weather these days - we are in the Rainy Season now. It rains most days, but not everyday. Sure makes hanging laundry out difficult though! : )

Hanging out at our friends the Henke's apartment. They have been getting settled in Nagoya after finishing language school and a short trip to America.

I've been practicing teaching the Bible in Japanese to my private tutor, and she corrects me, and helps me  understand parts of the Bible that Japanese people don't understand, or words that they don't use, etc. This day I gave a 1 hour lesson on "What is the Gospel?"

This picture represents life every day for us right now. Study Study Study!

Next Post: Our Graduation on June 24, pictures, video of our speech, and reflections on 1.5 years of studying Japanese!

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