Mar 13, 2011

Update on Japan

 We had a good church service yesterday. The chairs were full. Many people were struggling with what to think about the disaster, and there were heavy hearts all around.

Our Home Office in America has made a video about MSGF's response to the disaster in Japan. I would encourage you to watch it and beg you to pray for the people here, as they are facing a national tragedy, that feels much like 9/11 felt to America.

Japan Relief from CCO Creative Arts on Vimeo.

Our lives look basically normal today (Monday), as we go back to school. I am anxious to talk to my teachers and find out about their family and friends.

Japan is struggling to have enough electric power in the places where it is needed, so they are enforcing blackouts in various cities today. I found that our city will likely not be effected. However government officials said that everyone in Japan can do their part by using as little electricity as possible, so we are unplugging things and only using what is necessary.

I realize that a lot of news is talking about the nuclear reactor situation right now. However, thousands of people have been evacuated and we see that though it is a scary situation, we are comforted with how much work is being done to cool it down and the government is keeping everyone updated.

If you are interested in "up to date news" on Japan, I have found Japan's News channel NHK in English to be one of the best. you can watch the live TV broadcast translated live in English.

Please continue praying for the people who have lost family as well as those waiting to be rescued in the places hit by the tsunami.  God is powerful above all things and hears our prayers. He is our comfort at this time.

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