Jun 29, 2010

Kid's Church

Did you know Mustard Seed Christian Church has a great Kid's Church program?! Every Sunday, during the message, kids age 0-8 (or so) head up to a small classroom on the 3rd floor for a lesson from the Bible. Our teammate Jay has been teaching most consistently, but Megan and Brigette have also taught several times and will continue more regularly in the future.

Our church has been meeting for 6 months now! In those 6 months we have taught basic lessons from the Old Testament in Kids Church, and are now beginning the New Testament. We have 7 kids who are regular in attendance and sometimes have more depending on the week. You never know quite what to expect as we so often have new people at church! It's such a joy to be apart of teaching the kids, knowing that this is the first time for so many of them to learn about the history of God's work in the world and what it means for us today.
This is a bilingual children's Bible we often use.

Also, Megan has begun teaching an 8 year old girl at church about the Bible each Sunday after church. The girl has a desire to study together and is learning for the first time. It has been a truly exciting and humbling experience! We have studied basics about how the Bible is laid out and how to understand it. We've begun reading about the life of Jesus. She is interested in learning how to pray, why Jesus died on the cross - such awesome things to talk about! 
Please be praying for the children's ministry at MSCC - for children to learn about God and know that He loves them unconditionally! For them to learn about the Bible, make friends, and learn about Jesus!


  1. Thank you so much Megan for teaching my kid as well as many others! I really appreciate all you've done for Rowen!

  2. Those babies!
    I'm "awwwwing".

    I love you guys. ;)
