Feb 3, 2010

God is Moving in Japan!

We wanted to share with you the exciting news that someone from Mustard Seed Christian Church was baptized this past week! Sunday night at the Greer's apartment, Kyoko was baptized after deciding she wanted to become a Christian. She was baptized in the bathtub at the Greer's and we all crowded into the tiny bathroom to take part. It was an amazing experience!
Kyoko is a lovely woman seeking God and excited to be following God with her life. It was so great to hear her give a confession of her faith in Japanese! Her daughter Hiyori is 7 years old, and Megan has spent a lot of time hanging out with her at church. Please praise God with us and pray for Kyoko and her daughter!

1 comment:

  1. Praise be regarding Kyoko and we are praying for her and Hiyori. Does she speak english?
