Oct 11, 2009

Funds, Family, and Fourteen percent!

For the last week Seth and I have been back into the swing of things, after returning from our three-week training in Colorado. It has been a good week, filled with great new encouragements! We have been blessed by several new supporters and several one-time gifts this week - praise God! About 14% of our support has been raised! Woo-hoo! This next week we are on the road to Illinois for a support-raising presentation and some meetings.

Seth was able to preach on Sunday morning at his home church, Countryside Christian Church. He preached on having love for the lost people of our communities and world. It was a powerful message. You can watch the video of the sermon if you would like!

This past week we were able to have a lot of family time, which was really fun. Steve Philip, Seth's dad, celebrated his 5oth birthday. His family came from several states and we had a blast spending time together. You'll see some pictures of Seth with his younger cousin Simon, a family photo, and Seth cutting the cake at the 50th party!

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